Tuesday, 19 March 2013

The Ideal Marriage

          I believe the perfect marriage consists of two people who are fully committed and in love with each other. In the perfect marriage you should be able to tell the other person anything and they should always be there to help you through everything. I believe marriage is a way to show that you want to be with that one person for the rest of your life, so in my opinion infidelity is unacceptable. If one partner decides to ruin the marriage by cheating personally I would never be able to forgive that person, but then again I have never been in love. I respect people who try to save their marriage after one partner has cheated, and I think that shows their love for the person. The ideal marriage should include two people willing to fight for their love even if one partner makes a mistake.  


  1. I like the part where your talking about getting through things and forgiveness when someone in the relationship screws up, because and ideal marriage is not perfect and people do make mistakes. If you truly love someone, you can get through anything

  2. "Fight for their love" I really appreciated that line.

  3. Teslyn, thanks for sharing your views of an ideal marriage. You comment on the importance of communication. For any relationship to grow and remain strong, it is imperative that communication take place. Unfortunately, miscommunication or a lack of communication often prevents people who were once in love to get back on track. Love takes work...it doesn't just happen and stay strong without work.

  4. I wouldnt be able to forgive some one for cheating during their marriage either. If they feel the need to be with another person then there obviously isnt a strong relationship and trust has been loss. It's alot harder to gain trust than it is to lose it.
