Blog Post Rubric
Ideas and Content Did I convey a clear point, stay on topic and provide evidence? | My topic is stated, but the main ideas are underdeveloped. My main ideas lack supporting details. | My topic is stated and I present the main ideas to support the topic. My main ideas are stated and supporting details are limited. | My topic and main ideas are developed in a clear and focused manner. My main ideas are adequately developed using supporting details. | My topic and main ideas are presented in a clear, focused manner that demonstrates knowledge and understanding. My main ideas are strongly supported with details appropriate for the target audience and topic. |
Language Did my language support my message? | My language was unclear and lacks a connection to topic, purpose, and/or audience. | My language is basic and may lack a connection to the topic, purpose, and/or audience. | My language is clear and appropriate for the topic, purpose and audience. | My language is powerful and adds to the audience's understanding of the topic. |
Organization Was my product easy to follow? | My product's organization was hard to follow. | My product's organization lacks purpose and development. | My product's organization is appropriate for my topic and purpose. | My product's organization adds to my meaning. |
Blog Response Rubric
Ideas and Content Did I convey a clear point, stay on topic and provide evidence? | My responses are stated, but they are underdeveloped. My responses lack supporting details. | My topic is stated and I present the main ideas to support the topic. My responses are stated and supporting details are limited. | My responses are developed in a clear and focused manner. My responses are adequately developed using supporting details. | My responses are presented in a clear, focused manner that demonstrates knowledge and understanding. My responses are strongly supported with details appropriate for the target audience and topic. |
Language Did my language support my message? | My language was unclear and lacks a connection to topic, purpose, and/or audience. | My language is basic and may lack a connection to the topic, purpose, and/or audience. | My language is clear and appropriate for the topic, purpose and audience. | My language is powerful and adds to the audience's understanding of my response. |
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